úterý 29. září 2015

It´s about the little things

It is quite difficult to capture or describe that nice feeling of happiness...At least for me as I´m not a writer and even more difficult in foreign language...Anyway....what really did make my day today then I´ve felt good and/or happy?

At first I could prepare breakfast for Tom. I normally don´t prepare breakfast for him during labour week. And that satisfied expression at his face made me really happy.

Another nice moment was in 7/11 shop where I went to buy my one dolar coffee and one guy made me a compliment....Here in Australia I consider it quite unusual, not like in Spain where was normal that boys on the street were shouting and whistling to you "Hey guapa" (Ok,  more to my blond friend)...so by the time it has become more annoying than appreciating....But honestly here in Australia it has happened for the first time after 9 months to obtain compliment on the street.

And the third was really special...I was walking down the street and I noticed 2 girls in the second floor´s shopping window...They were waving and smiling...I thought that someone is walking behind me so I ignored them. But in a second I had turned my head and saw nobody there. So I waved and smile back...Then one of them made a gesture "thumbs up" and pointed her smile....They were literally handing out smiles to people.

I hate clichés but I have no choice than to close my feed with one - the best things are for free :)

středa 9. září 2015

Advantages of drinking at home

Well, I have heard several times here in Sydney that people who used to drink a lot in home country (they could represent their country in drinking olympic games) they became calm and slowed down with alcohol here. The reasons are pretty clear. At first the price of alcohol is in comparison higher and at second aussies crazy laws and restriction about alcohol (RSA) dont able you to enjoy friday or saturday in the way you want to. So the best solution is simple - drinking at home which has its advanteges. As I have mentioned before is cheaper and you dont need to undertake journey from club to home which can turn to big adventure in tipsy conditions. I´m pretty sure that everybody knows what I´m writing about :) My last drinking session ended with sprained ankle...So I have to take a break in jogging for a while...

Czech beer...

Shortage of glasses? No problem...