pondělí 14. prosince 2015

The world is quite small

Yes, small and there is a lot of coincidences...
Since I have been living down under, on the opposite side of a world a few funny
coincidences have happened to me or to my friends, whom I consider like my family now.

1. Mutual friend..?
That was during my first month in Sydney in language school.
With my classmate Monika from Denmark we were talking about
our family trees as once it was topic of that lesson. I was telling
her some facts about my family, like that we used to live in Prague
and later we moved behind...She replied - I have one friend in Prague!
Me: "Really, who is it?" (Considering fact that Prague has 1 milion inhabitants
I was more polite to keep the converstation than I was really intersted in).
"Markéta" she replied. As I knew that Monika was in Spain for erasmus
I just guessed - Markéta Chalupová, which was in Spain for erasmus too.
And Monika just confirmed my guess...Seriously, are you telling me that
both of us we could meet in Spain... (Monika and Marketa were in Cordoba
and I was in Seville, however I visited Cordoba twice and everytime
I did so I always saw Markete)...You from Denmark, me from Czech
we have a mutual friend from Spain and we meet in Australia...thats crazy :)

2.I won´t go to school untill some hansome guy pass by
 One afternoon we were loitering in front of some building in cbd, drinking coffee with
Eva and Ales. Eva was about to going back to school, but obviously she didnt want
so much. So she said: I wont go to school till some nice guy pass by, as we were
watching people passing and honestly, no lookers. Then I saw quite hot guy and told
Eva, hey, look at that bloke. And Eva "Are you kidding me...? Thats Sean!"
Me and Ales looked at each others with expression, "Who the hell is Sean?"
Sean was an australian guy who Eva had met in Prague in some bar like only
one month before our flight to Sydney, so they exchange contacts...They have never met
before, untill that day :)

3. School mate from grammar school
How often does it happen that in train you sit behind your exclass mate
on the second side of the world...? That happend to Eva as well....she has
know that he has been here for more than two years...and whats more funny.
Marek works at construction site in the same street where Eva lives..

4. Girl from summer camp
For our 6months anniversary we went to Tommys bar to grab delicious
czech food. And the waitress which served us was familiar to Tomas...
Also she remided me someone as well...But after Tom realized that he has known
her from summer camp where he used to be an instructor for the children
so that girl was one from many he took care about....

So, where else you can hide if you can meet people from Rudna and Tabor here...? Nowhere
maybe on Mars...

pátek 4. prosince 2015

How we met with Tomas

As it´s generally said, that everything what you haven´t written down you forget,  I have decided to write down our first meeting with Tomas. Because it was really funny and absurd moment and I always like to recall it.

I worked that night at Show girls. It was sunday however the next day would Queen´s birthday so it was day off on monday. Thats why it wasnt so dead in the club that night. Then came 2 boys and sat close to the stage. I came to serve them and talk to them a little bit as usually . First I turned to tanned boy on my left side and asked him where is he from. "Mexico" he replied. So I replied back something in spanish, probably "Dónde en Mexico vives?" and than a few more sentences. Then I turned to the right and asked the blond boy where was he from. He replied cunningly: "Europe" So I asked: "Hmm and where excatly from Europe?" "Czech republic" and me: "Děláš si prdel..? (Are you fuc*ing kidding me?)" So we can speak czech together! The other boy looked quite surprised and I didn´t wonder....Such a big coincidence...and was really funny. So we just talk about normal topic such as how long we are living here and so on...

That evening I came to boys several times a spoke to them, ok mostly with Tomas. However I have to confess that this evening He didn´t attract me so much, or maybe I just didn´t think about anything...I just enjoyed the conversation with him. When he asked me about my number I thought: "All right, what I need the most is to have contact with another czech people, but never mind, we can just go out for the beer and that´s it".

When they were leaving Tomas tried to give me friendly kiss (fortified by some booz) but I held myself back and pushed him back....

Yeah, and one week after we went out just for that beer and from that day we are together....I can´t believe that is over 5 months...Thanks for all coincidences which occured that evening! :)

úterý 29. září 2015

It´s about the little things

It is quite difficult to capture or describe that nice feeling of happiness...At least for me as I´m not a writer and even more difficult in foreign language...Anyway....what really did make my day today then I´ve felt good and/or happy?

At first I could prepare breakfast for Tom. I normally don´t prepare breakfast for him during labour week. And that satisfied expression at his face made me really happy.

Another nice moment was in 7/11 shop where I went to buy my one dolar coffee and one guy made me a compliment....Here in Australia I consider it quite unusual, not like in Spain where was normal that boys on the street were shouting and whistling to you "Hey guapa" (Ok,  more to my blond friend)...so by the time it has become more annoying than appreciating....But honestly here in Australia it has happened for the first time after 9 months to obtain compliment on the street.

And the third was really special...I was walking down the street and I noticed 2 girls in the second floor´s shopping window...They were waving and smiling...I thought that someone is walking behind me so I ignored them. But in a second I had turned my head and saw nobody there. So I waved and smile back...Then one of them made a gesture "thumbs up" and pointed her smile....They were literally handing out smiles to people.

I hate clichés but I have no choice than to close my feed with one - the best things are for free :)

středa 9. září 2015

Advantages of drinking at home

Well, I have heard several times here in Sydney that people who used to drink a lot in home country (they could represent their country in drinking olympic games) they became calm and slowed down with alcohol here. The reasons are pretty clear. At first the price of alcohol is in comparison higher and at second aussies crazy laws and restriction about alcohol (RSA) dont able you to enjoy friday or saturday in the way you want to. So the best solution is simple - drinking at home which has its advanteges. As I have mentioned before is cheaper and you dont need to undertake journey from club to home which can turn to big adventure in tipsy conditions. I´m pretty sure that everybody knows what I´m writing about :) My last drinking session ended with sprained ankle...So I have to take a break in jogging for a while...

Czech beer...

Shortage of glasses? No problem...

pondělí 3. srpna 2015

Need for another feed

Hello there,

I am just writing another feed to my blog from down under. So how does my situation now look like and what is the plan for future?

First of all - I am a nanny :)) And in such a really great family, I wouldn´t wish better one :) Parents are originally from Walles, they have been lived here for more than 20 years and their 2 children are aussies then. The older, Flynn, he is 13 and he has a ginger hair after his daddy Shane. However I take care much more of Florence (shorter version of her name is Floss)she is 7 years old. She is really enthusiastic little girl with positive vibes and I consider her like my little sister. And mum - Amanda, she is fine too - honestly I feel myself to be a part of family so every evening when I come home late I always text to Amanda to not to be worried about me.

Picking Floss up from school

I have been living with the family for one month now and I can say I got used to routine and system of family what is great because my college is going to start next week. After one month living in english speaking family I can feel more confident about my english. I have learnt a lot of new words, the majority of them from Floss as we doing homeworks together and she has to read and I always listen to her. (I should correct her but it is not necessary, she is really good at reading and I like her way of reading).

So I have commited myself to stay with family at least 6 months - that means till december. And as Im going to have 2 months of holiday during Xmass lets see what happen. We want to travel a lot with Tom, but only If we earned some money for that :D It is not so easy - I need to save money for another payment for college. So we think after travelling a little bit across of Australia we can try our next life together in New Zealand. Tom has already had working holiday visa so I need  to apply for them and hope I gain them as quotas always have been gone after 1 hour from opening new ones. And if I dont get the visa, we can try Canada as well...But one thing is for sure....we are not hurry back to the Czech republic.

Ice Skating with Tom in HydePark

Oh, I almost forgot - one really upleasant thing happened - Eva was in hospital for a few days. We thought it was appendix, fortunatelly not but for me it was for the first time of spending too much hours in hospital with person you love and you worry about. These long hours of waiting for doctor and some results were terrible. Especially in emergency I had a feeling that was some parody of hospital as every time came different doctor and asked Eva what was the problem. So it looked like everybody just asked but nobody did anything to help her....Eventually she obtained really good quality care later and surprisingly she did not want to leave the hospital as she has made a new friendship there and as she said, she had calmed down there and had realized what is really important.

sobota 20. června 2015

Upside down and sweet seventeen again

Maybe someone gets surprised why I have started to write in english. The other day I was chatting with Janča, my schoolmate and we were chatting together in english despite we are both czech. And she recommend writing this blog in english for practising. So that´s my apology for readers, please be indulgent with my mistakes.

(This is message for Ada - if you are reading this, just know that you have inspired me as well by writing your own blog in english - so in other words - yes, I copy you :D)

It is really funny how fast things change here, I am so confused and crazy from that, but first things first. I said that I want to move out from girls and I think its going to happen. If everything goes well, I will become an aupair again :) Thats actually killing two birds with one stone - solution of a problem of accomodation and work. Tommorrow I am going to see two aussies families - both live close to Bondi beach so I will stay in this beautiful and strategic area.

Today I have been in one cafe at Bronte beach for trial as a waitress - I was not so bad so Sunday morning work :) I think that could be fine - during week be an aupair and during weekend be a waitress. As I have almost 2 months of holiday I can do it that way, but with school? We will see...

And the most crazy thing? In my previous feed I have mentioned that I want to meet some english speaking guy to improve my english....So you can guess who I am falling in love with :D (Yes, It is mentioned in ironic way) It is really funny to experience the same love when you were 17 - the student love. There is no place where to go to have some privacy, my flatmates are home, his flatmates as well, so  we spend time together outside just wandering through city or park - I really enjoy this time. - Oh my god, I am going to vomit a rainbow from these sweet talks :D

středa 10. června 2015

Stay longer with kangaroos? aneb nedáváme sbohem Austrálii

Ty jo, tak na to, že už jsem měla rozjednáno několik pohovorů na pracovní místa v Praze, koupenou zpáteční letenku, vyřešenou situaci ohledně snížení nákladů na poslední měsíc, tak se všechno mění ze dne na den....

To, jak se mi tady střídají nálady a celková  psychika jsem ještě nezažila. Jeden den totální euforie a druhý den deprese, na všechno se vykašlat a jet domů...

Proč najedou ta změna, když už jsem měla nalajnovanou budoucnost v Praze?

Tak první a pozitivní PushUp byl výlet do Melbourne. Když to vezmu suma sumárum tak za svůj půlroční pobyt v Austrálii jsem viděla pouze Sydney - Ok, procestovala jsem si taky celý Nový Zéland, což bylo uplně parádní. Ale jinak jediný co jsem viděla z Austrálie by byla Sydney a právě Melbourne, kde jsme strávily s Evkou 4 parádní dny a město si užily naplno....Tenhle výlet mě právě nabil tou pozitivní energií: "Holka, teď a tady jsi v Austrálii a je toho ještě tolik co vidět a dělat"
A mě by uplně vyděsila ta představa, že se vrátim do Čech a za chvíli budu v depresi, že jsem odjela dobrovolně z ráje na zemi zpátky do Čech (Jak řiká Evka, do "Smrádkova")

Můj další  hlavní PushUp proč zůstat je (a vim že to bude znít směšně, ale) NAUČIT SE KONEČNĚ POŘÁDNĚ ANGLICKY. Sice jsem tu půl roku, ale v neustálem kontaktu s Čechama...Doma, ve škole...je spíš výjimka když nějaké dny mluvím anglicky a to mě štve...takže v případě prodloužení víz mám plán jasnej: Odstěhovat se od holek a celkově odstřihnout co nejvíc českejch kontaktů. Najít si práci a nebudu pokrytec, najít si english speaking chlapa, protože to je nejlepší způsob, jak se naučit jazyk :)

Takže budeme podávát žádost o prodloužení víz, protože doma mi stejně nic neuteče :))

S Evkou v Melbourne

pátek 8. května 2015

#2 od Klokanů

Ahoj, tak po delší době jsem si zase vzpomněla na deníček. Za prvé, hrozná radost, protože jsem tu angličtinu udělala....Teda s víc než odřenýma ušima, nebo-li I scraped through....Na pass (udělání) byla potřeba 180 bodů, takže jsem měla krásných 180 bodů :D Respektive 179,6 a zaokrouhlení mě zachránilo...
A co mi ze všech částí (čtení, use of english, psaní, poslech a mluvení) nejvíc zachránilo zadek?
Psaní! To, co jsem obvykle mývala nejhorší, tak jsem ted měla silně nadrůměrný z jednoho důvodu. Z volitelnýho stylu jsem si vybrala neformální email kamarádovi...díky bohu, že se tam tahle možnost objevila.

Takže se od teď můžu pyšnit certifikátem s úrovní angličtiny C1. Paradoxně bych řekla, že v realitě mi to na sebevědomí nepřidá, spíš naopak. Když někde řeknu, že mám CAE certifikát, lidi budou očekávat ne-li rodinného mluvčího čímž se ve mě zaktivuje stud mluvit...

No nevadí. V minulém příspěvku jsem také psala, že po návratu ze Zélandu si začnu hledat práci.
Lidi, Zéland byl naprosto úžasný. Splnila jsem si tím velký cestovatelský sen. Úžasná příroda, fajn lidi...Měsíc na oba dva ostrovy byl tak akorát a i zvolená doba (přelom březen/duben) byla ideální a odpovídala příjemného babímu létu. Pokud byste chtěli vidět nějaké fotky, mrkněte tady: http://snipee.rajce.idnes.cz/Novy_Zeland/

A teď zpátky k hledání práce. Nějak mi předtím nedošlo, že po návratu ze Zélandu budu mít celkově už jen 3 měsíce celkového času v Austrálii a to není zrovna hodně, pokud chcete najít oficiální práci :(
Takže první 3 měsíce jsem nepracovala, protože nebyl čas. Někdo můžete namítat, že když se chce, tak jde všechno. Ano, máte pravdu. Mohla jsem po škole někde ještě večer lítat s talířema nebo o víkendech. Já jsem ten volný čas radši věnovala učení, sportu nebo prostě sobě a asi jsem si to tak užila víc, než abych se strhala. Pak zasloužená měsíční dovolená na Zélandu a teď když už času na práci mám spoutu a pracovat chci, tak zase nechtějí oni mě....trošku smutná realita. No snažím se najít alespoň neoficiální práce jako hlídání dětí nebo úklidy v domácnostech. Je to dobře placené, ale hodně nárazové a nedá se s tím dopředu kalkulovat. Už mám koupenou letenku zpátky do Čech na začátek července. Dá se za poplatek přebukovat na dřívější datum pokud na mě začne padat nějaká deprese. Co si budeme povídat, začíná tu podzim, ochladilo se a před 2 týdny slušně pršelo, asi 3 dny v kuse bez přestání, menší cyklon a záplavy....Kdyby to tu tak vypadalo pořád, tak neni o čem diskutovat, balim kufr a jedu domu, kde bude akorát začínat léto.

Ale teď se počasí zase trošku umoudřilo a chci taky ještě něco málo procestovat, třeba Melbourne.

No a druhá škola? Chodím tam jen čtvrtek a pátek, náročnostně to odpovídá naší Vošce, takže uplně na pohodu.

Z bubliny jménem Sydney se už asi nebudu mít šanci uplně prokousat ven a asimilovat se s Australany. Upřímně, už o to ani tolik nestojím, spíš se těším zpátky do Čech :)

Tím nechci říct, že bych pobytu v Austrálii nějak litovala. Naopak! Já jsem si to tu užila maximálně (a ještě doufám něco užiju) a hlavně jsem z toho taky maximum vytřískala - CAE certifikát a procestovaný Zéland to je něco, co mi za to rozhodně stálo :)

S ženou na pláži - když se počasí ještě umoudřilo tak jsem vyrazily chytit nějakej bronz :)

čtvrtek 12. března 2015

Hola od klokanů

Je to vtipný, téměř na den přesně o 3 roky později jsem si vzpomněla, že jsem kdysi
ve Španělsku sepsala pár umolousaných příspěvků do svýho blogu...
A teď píšu zase - tentokrát z druhýho konce světa :D - z Austrálie...

Konečně jsem dodělala školu, měla i celkem dobrou práci, jenže nějak nevyšla na full-time...
Tak jsme s Evou z právního jednoho krásnýho dne rozhodly, že pojedeme někam pryč...

Váhaly jsme mezi Kanadou a Austrálií - vyhrála Austrálie z prostého důvodu - teplo :D

Šáhla jsem na celoživotní úspory, zaplatila školy a odjela na studenská víza....
Mám je zatím na půl roku, jsem cca v půlce svého pobytu...Přestože je na studenstká víza možnost pracovat na zkrácený úvazek, já zatím práci nemám....Důvody jsou dva.

1. škola je tak náročná, že na to nezbývá mnoho času a energie
Studuju angličtinu, přípravný kurz na cambridge CAE exam a je to docela náročný...člověk od maturity hodně zapomněl a mozek už tolik nevstřebá co dřív....

2. naštěstí mě vlastní úspory umožňují to tu zatím přežít i bez práce,
i když je to celkem hodně depresivní utrácet tu těžce vydělaný peníze z Čech - životní náklady
jsou poměrně vysoký (za sdílený pokoj tady měsíčně zaplatím 12000 Kč)

Zítra mám konečně poslední den kurzu a pozítří dělám zkoušku. Pak mě čeká měsíc prázdnin,
který strávím na Novém Zélandu (ani nemůžu popsat jak moc se těším!).
Po návratu zpět k Ozíkům (tak se řiká Australanům) jdu studovat na college, která nebude už tak
časově náročná takže si konečně začnu hledat práci.

Pak si snad udělám objektivnější názory na Austrálii a Australany, protože jsem doposud byla zavřená v bublině, která se jmenuje škola a neměla jsem moc možností toho poznat, takže dosavadní hodnocení by bylo spíše spektický než pozitivní...

Já u Opery - šly jsme na Vivaldiho 4 seasons - to byl opravdu fenomenální zážitek.